Monday, 2 December 2013


The pervading otherness that demonstrates itself in all I artistically undertake is concerned with that which is occult(hidden),otherwise known as the esoteric. For arbitrary convenience sake I call this “Thee Arte.” It’s true nature is that which is endlessly resurging,”united for (thee) arte’s sake for the chance of division”(orryelle defenestrate-bascule).Or as 19th century occult milestone “Aleister Crowley” said “we are united for loves sake, for the chance of (re)union”. My practice is an appending embodiment of my own (un)conscious mind, a “transformation of flesh to spirit”(Carl Mcoy) if you will? In it’s creation I harness a subjective persistence of vision and “lucid symbolism,” that manifests itself in a multi-disciplinary approach embodying, drawing and painting ritual performance and a desire to enter into the construction of installation and the audio-visual.
In essence, my work has the intention of a visceral Pan-Theurgy,the Promethean process of “stealing the fire from heaven” allegory from Austin Osman Spare’s “book of pleasure”(1913)
As a polemic I inhabit the (in-between spaces) within the assumed stance of the esoteric renegade. As prop-agitant(employing ecstatic elements of stoicism and asceticism) i invoke, evoke and convoke entities, not only of the corporeal but the "myriad of familiars and elementals which partly make up my being".(aos) Through “the Arte”, I communicate with the Astral mind, bending(through the manipulation of the Chaosphere)and breaking the bodies and spirits which are  channelled aesthetically into artefacts of magical import. In simple terms “the Shamanic remit of bringing one’s visions back to the tribe.”2.Taken from artist/mage Orryelle Defenstrate-Bascule’s “mutation parlour”         
I have now a possible solution to the fulfilment of the modular criteria of this stage of the Master’s Programme and it is currently underway. My journey has begun by taking esoteric connections of an essentially lunar, arachnean nature(spiders are great connectors although some people are afraid of them) and have now started manipulating them into a creative magical current based on my association with the global artistic and magical community “The Hermaphroditic Chaorder of the Silver Dusk”.
It is my artistic intention to create a space (in sensorium) suitable for invocatory purposes. The altar shall use found objects of a sacred nature and paintings and drawings created specifically for devotional purposes, a cornucopia of the chaosphere if you like? It should be cluttered and pleasing to the eye, a feast of the visual, would be nice to create a short video loop to go along with it.
As well as the visual I shall create a malefic atmosphere through the creation of a soundscape, to further attack the sensorium. The soundtrack will use elements of drone, chant and spoken word and shall be of an invocatory nature. The soundtrack shall be influenced by Sunn0))), Earth, Boris and OM also the audio work of Orryelle Defenstrate-Bascule. As a mythopeic, avant-garde production,the films of Kenneth Anger’s Magick Lantern Cycle shall be referenced. Texts utilized include Austin Osman Spare’s “Focus of Life,”his “Book of Pleasure”and “Earth Inferno.”AOS’ current of Zos Kia Cultus is intrinsic to the workings of the project. Of prime importance to it’s construction shall be the graphic grimmoire’s (an alchymical bookweb) of the Tela Quadrivium by Orryelle Defenstrate-Bascule,The Typhonian Trilogies of Kenneth Grant and also William S. Burroughs “Cities of the Red Night” Trilogy. This should be completed before assessment in January.
Project:The Book of XUL vel ENDYMION
It is one of my greater desires to create my own “graphic grimmoire,” to further clarify and elucidate my own magical ethos and it’s relationship to my artistic would be nice to publish this privately on recycled paper in paperback. Xul vel Endymion is my magical name within the order, Xul being the Sumerian word for Daemon and Endymion in Greek mythology,a shepherd who first tracked the movements of the moon and by virtue of this was in love with her(Selene).
I’m going to take my time with this one, want it to be arresting, exciting and vibrant utilizing all the skills I have gathered since I set out on my artistic journey. Text’s will be of my own creation and shall illuminate the visual(the opposite applies)....