Sunday, 10 November 2013

The Book Of Pleasure (Self love) The Psychology of Ecstasy

 Austin Osman Spare,The Book of Pleasure,(1913)
Spare’s “book of pleasure,”subtitled (Self-Love)The Psychology of Ecstasy is a “grimmoire” of great magical import. It’s undeniable “genius” undoubtedly resides in its unprideful righteousness and earthy delivery. Spare’s ethos is set out in whispering arabesques that elucidate his polemic of Self-Love, distilled through the aesthetic of the neither-neither. In Hindu this relates to the concept of neti-neti, literally neither one thing or the other, in translation this relates to a concpt of “inbetweeness,”which is intrinsic to Spare’s system(although he abhorred systems). 
A difficult text, full of blind corners and orobourtic  aphoristics, those who work on it’s auratic contents should deal with it in the manner of a Taoist text which must be worked upon. By careful study they may very well achieve some semblance of the unknown pleasure of which Spare speaks. “so fledge thy wings,ye humble ones”….
Through the gnostic attainment of “supreme bliss,”based on Spare’s dictum, funambulatory(literally a tight-rope walker) pathways are revealed perpetuating clandestine knowledge and otherworldy experiences of freedom, pleasure and power, the answer being to live “Self-Love” now, not hereafter.
The book of pleasure exalts the  foundation of all (left-hand) adeptness in occult thought  (i.e to-day) of our Babylonian 12/60 system. It is the most most lucid of ensorceling magics,nothing easier- yet as difficult as asking a question to one’s soul? What is not written must be arbitrarily guessed through sleight of mind, repressions, obsessions and the idea that one can bend ones will to an original impulse, begatting communion with ones own silent watcher,sensorium and lifeforce.
The grimmoire generates and radiates New Aeon Kaaotic occult strains, in a word-rendering that effulgurates a “less is more” attitude  it radiates these fecundic energies through cryptic prose, possibly induced through trance states and is at least partly automatic.  It is arbitrarily accommodating to the needs of an acolytic attitude which manifests itself in Spare’s terms as “does not matter-need not be.” The book elucidates a complex modus operandi, centring around the notion of the Promethean edict of “stealing the fire from heaven,” for “ultimate wish-fulfillment.” Thus it is Spare’s intention that  the reader  is transformed by the concept of “as if,”re-ified “as now,”by virtue of the neither-neither.
The great secret of the system lies in the symbionce between the atmospheric self(I),”the body considered as a whole,”the Zos(symbolized by the hand) and the Kia which is the playground of the Zos and relates to the communal cosmic mind,(symbolized by the eye).This for myself as an artist is an interesting metaphor for my practice in a way that harnesses initial inspiration, the notion of immediacy and liminality(that pervades my practice) and the execution of my art of which Spare”s practice and current of magic and philosophy is intrinsic. The book, written between the years 1908-1913,is lesser for want of an editor,  yet it’s edict stands righteous and poetic,predating Surrealism by a good twenty years.

The book is illustrated with allegorical plates of sublime symbolism,(such as “the self’s vision of enlightenment,”and “the dwellers at the gates of Silent Memory”)automatic drawings and extracts from the arena of anon complete with sigil’s,a form of sorcery where a magical wish is formed by creating a glyph from ones wish(apart from those letters which repeat themselves)charged with energy,visualized at a  time of disappointment and then destroyed and forgotten by the conscious mind in order for it to be reified in “as now” reality. The “alphabet of desire,” is also utilized which is based on sexual principles reating to nature, one begatting the other.
One of the most interesting item’s in Spare’s “book of pleasure,”is a solo-rite known as the death posture from which I created a short film-loop for my final b.a exhibition. The ritual uses a voluntary ephixiation along with the utter “negation of thought” in order to send the magical wish into the unconscious mind,or what Spare calls the “storehouse of memories.”Although I have only managed the posture symbolically,I am forever attempting it’s fulfilment through my own surreality,to reify “in flesh” what can be found on the astral plane.  
Arguably one of the great and most eccentric and interesting books of the twentieth century,this tome has been a major inspiration to me since I first read it a decade ago. As I have travelled my chosen artistic path it’s meanings have grown within me,continually revealing itself to me again and again. A new hardback limited edition and printed from an original facsimile with Kenneth Grant’s original 1970’s preface, has been made available by London’s Jerusalem Press,I shall be purchasing it.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Artistic Intention (the backward-winding path)

Statement of Intent
“As within, so without....”(Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956)
The nature of my artistic practice centres around the visualisation of that pervading “otherness” which is “hidden from legerdemain view.” Ostensibly-this is  known as the Occult. This artistic raison-d’etre manifests itself in the reification of shamanic visions and the documentation of their subjective and magical  essence for the benefit of the tribe.
This arbitrary and largely self-taught enquiry into the utilizition of one’s noumenon is manifested “as now’ through the channelling of a magical current set in place by the Western and Eastern traditions of Gnostiscism and Esoteriscim. This in turn is elucidated by the “does not matter-need not be” edict associated with a considerably rare strain of chaos magic, the conduitation of Pan-Theurgism and reification and (re)union with the Sumerian tradition.
 The central tenant of my practice stems from the en-sorcelling aesthetic intention of documenting, invoking, evoking and convoking a magically charged distillation of the “prima materia”or “blackening” phase of Alchemy(the Nigredo). The astral arena for this exploration is guided by the “Qllipoth”,the nightside of Eden, a mirrored reverse of the “Tree of Life,” known in jewish Gnosticism as the “Qabbala.”
The  risen form of my aesthetic is underpinned by the intention of an underlying premonitic sense of the immediate, grounded in the “universal subjective” of a life based on reason (endamonism) and an all-encompassing enquiring interest into the liminal.
It is my artistic intention to seek to reify this gathering of “magical soliloquoy’s” into a multi-disciplinary practice which encompasses draughtmanship, performance, the audio-visual and the written word. This nascent, tireless investigation into the esoteric is an aesthetic  exploration of the light of truth,embodied by the goddess “Maat,”Goddess of truth, even though there is no “absolute truth.”
Intrinsically ,it is is that which manifests itself on the inner-space planes of the (un)conscious  mind, ”the storehouse of memories,with an ever-open door?”(the book of pleasure 1913,aos) The entire notion of my artistic ethos has the intention of being  harnessed by a “lucid symbolism” and persistence of vision which is embodied by an affiliation to all entities (both flesh and spirit)who traffic within the spaces “in-between.”
My aesthetic’s original impulse centres around the magical current(when charged),efflorated by late nineteenth and early-to mid twentieth century occult paragon and aesthete Austin Osman Spare. In contemporary art terms this aesthetic current can be interconnected to likeminded familiar affilliations. Fulgaratively this denouement is classified by the current coterie of artists affiliated to London purveyors of Fine Press Esoterica(since 1992) Fulgur Limited.
Curated and espoused by Robert Ansell and Gavin Semple, Fulgur has succeded (for the past twenty year) in gathering and spearheading a veritable cornucopic  global community of artists who work within the mainframe of a particular iconography. This esotericism is  unconfined by figurative,occult-laden symbologies media or geography and was recently manifested in the I:mage exhibition at London’s Store Street Gallery(Mai 2013).
The arte of Austrailian artist Oryelle Defenstrate-Bascule, whose relentless dexterity in all matters of artistic magical expression has ignited and sustained a  lasting expression  within the context of my own “artistic practice” has become a lasting benchmark of longevity and harmony. His practice and unrelenting exploration of his own “Surreality,” has greatly inspired me and elucidated my own perception of what can be achieved by unification for “arte’s sake for the chance of division”(Orryelle Defenstrate-Bascule).

Sunday, 3 November 2013


A Samhain Vigil-Thirtieth-First Oct(avia)ober,Under the scales of Libra:element,Aqua
The aesthetic intention of this artistic intervention was to create work both in the M.A project space and with a small collective, a halloween themed exhibition in one of our houses and two performances, one on the 30th to welcome in the pagan festival of Samhain and one on the 31st at the exhibition to celebrate an evening which is intrinsically archane and magical to me.
The work in the M.A project space has all been created by myself and comprises of a series of drawings, comprising of three A1 elaborate pencil drawings (of esoteric intent) and also prints of one of my fellow artists as an image of Medusa, complete with snake that have been drawn  over with Sharpies in the form of elaborate arabesques,to transform the image into something otherworldly.
In the project space is also a large colour drawing, made of four sheets of A1 paper, put together to make a large creative space. The contents of my astral mind have been colourfully emptied onto the space in such a way that when encountered, elements of my esoteric ethos can be understood.
On the 30th a 20 minute performance was instigated and documented with a small audience in the project space. The performance comprised of chant, poetry and song and had the intention of being lighthearted and fun,had some really good feedback and was a success.

The work on the 31st was curated and exhibited by myself and three other final year B.A students, Tess Allan, Aimee Burnett and Paul Stobbs.It was great to see three wildly diverging Fine Artists come together for the purpose of one exhibition, our practices worked really well together ranging form installation to performance and on the evening we perpetuated an unmitigated success with many guests and good feedback for all.
 My performance on the 31st had the intention of being fitting  to the invent, ethereal and a habitation of the inbetween spaces that can be tapped into during an evening such as “All Hallow’s Eve.”the set consisted of carefully chosen songs and chant and once again I had some great feedback and above all I think we had a lot of fun. PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK (below)TO HEAR THE "ALL HALLOW'S" PERFORMANCE                               

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Temples of Art

A large esoteric drawing done in my studio,as part of A Halloween Vigil x

The Pythoness

A collaborative piece with my good friend Tessie Allan,my aim being to create something otherworldly from these beautiful photos and transform the figurative into something sublime and esoteric.Namely an oracle or delphic pythoness,"now the gorgon's suspended the life in them all".... 


A short "bending of minds" collage piece involving deitic sigils and drawings also a written element-just to get some ideas out there,hope y'all enjoy x