Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Thursday, 24 November 2011


These little beauties have been created using an I-Pad sketching programme,printed cut-up and assembled.I've also used bits from previous collages and paintings just to make it a bit more interesting-Doom On!x

Sunday, 30 October 2011

This piece was for a small exhibition at The Greestone Gallery in Lincoln.My co-artists and I chose the apple as our stimulus and each did representations of its different aspects.I got tied up in the whole esoteric symbolism of the apple,forbidden fruit and all that.So created this.Enjoy!

Thursday, 6 October 2011


Cloudy Mirror

This piece juxtaposes symbols of occult knowledge with cut-up technique to visualize the compartmentalization of degrees of esoteric experience.It represents the storehouse of memories that forms our psyche,conscious and unconscious minds.Images are all of experience! 

Wednesday, 10 August 2011


This is a painting of a familiar I created magickally to assist me with Astral Travel sometime ago.I had forgotten all about it until it appeared automatically to my cosmic mind.It is for sale if any kind admirer would like to make an offer-Quite Large but a great conversation piece!x

A Gilded Eternity

Spent a lot of time trippin' out over the last fifteen years or so and this is an abstract representation of how my soul and aura looks now-hope y'all like it! It's for sale if anyone wants to make me an offer,quite large but would be a great colourful addition to any happy home-Blessed Be...  

Monday, 8 August 2011

The Endaemonist

In the tradition of esoteric book publishing,I am working on images and ethos for my own graphic grimmoire which I will hopefully publish in a limited edition run.I'll keep adding new work on my blog so you, my bretherin,can see my process as I progress with my ideas.Blessed Be...

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Last Exit For The Lost

I did this piece recently one weekend whilst intensely listening to Fields of the Nephilim.It uses images and ideas I have collected over the last year or so, whether from reality or from art that i have found poignant.The Baphomet in the middle is courtesy of (i)mage taz-I have yet to be initiated into a magickal order but this is pretty much what I imagine it to be akin to-Visions-Penetrating Me!